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Списък на партиите

Следва списък на най-популярните политически партии в Jamaica .

Последни национални проучвания

Графиката по-долу показва историческата подкрепа за всяка политическа партия в Jamaica . Зоните, запълнени с [ ? ] са неизвестни или с малък обем времеви рамки. Кликнете върху линия, за да видите по-конкретна информация за анкети.

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Това са най-ангажиращите дискусии за Jamaican политически партии.

 @ISIDEWITHОбсъдете този отговор...10 месеца10MO

People’s National Party

The People's National Party (PNP) is a major political party in Jamaica, founded in 1938 by Norman Manley. It is one of the two dominant political parties in the country, the other being the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP). The PNP has a long history of advocating for social democracy and has been instrumental in shaping Jamaica's post-independence political landscape. Its values and policies have traditionally centered around a commitment to social justice, equality, and the welfare of the Jamaican people.

The PNP's ideology has evolved over the years, but it has consistently champi…  Прочетете още

 @ISIDEWITHОбсъдете този отговор...10 месеца10MO

Jamaica Labour Party

The Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) is a conservative political party in Jamaica, founded on July 8, 1943, by Alexander Bustamante as a counterforce to the more left-leaning People's National Party (PNP) led by Norman Manley. Since its inception, the JLP has been a major player in Jamaican politics, advocating for policies that emphasize free enterprise, individual rights, and a market-driven economy. The party's values are deeply rooted in the belief that economic growth and development are the keys to improving the lives of Jamaicans, with a particular focus on creating a favorable env…  Прочетете още