In April 2016, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe issued an executive order which restored voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons living in the state. The order overturned the state’s practice of felony disenfranchisement, which excludes people from voting who have been convicted of a criminal defense. The 14th amendment of the United States prohibits citizens from voting who have participated in a “rebellion, or other crime” but allows states to determine which crimes qualify for voter disenfranchisement. In the U.S. approximately 5.8 million people are inelig…
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No they gave away that right when they decided to take a life
As long as the sentence and restitution is satisfied and there must be a minimum of 10 years without any further arrests
Per the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution, the States reserve the right to make this decision.
As long as they get mental support.
Only those with minor crimes. Those who have committed felonies should have a waiting period after serving their sentence. Murderers and other terrible criminals should not be allowed to vote.
Depending on what they went to jail for.
yes, except for any voting on any conviction stances
Yes, except for those convicted of murder or violent crimes, and only after completing their sentences and parole/probation.
Not violent offenders. Lesser non violent felons after finishing sentences and parole
If the crime is minor they should be able to vote but if its anything about middle class crimes they shouldn’t vote
Everyone deserves grace, even after all the wrong they have done.
Yes, after they have served their time or been granted parole.
If the judge can see they have changed
Yes, but only after completing their sentences and parole/probation. Until then, they have forfeited their rights by breaking the law, and should not be allowed to vote if they are willing to hurt the country like that.
The only people who should be classified as criminals are those who have intentionally or negligently deprived another person of his individual Natural Rights. Given that, yes, they should lose their right to vote. Until we have reformed the criminal justice system to reflect this standard, only violent felons should permanently lose their right to vote.
Yes but only if it is the first time they have done such crime
yes everyone who pays taxes should have the right to vote. however if a person is proven to be mentally ill or unstable they should not be able to vote
it depeds on there situation life if they robbed a big chain store or was selling drugs they could because there are other things to worry about like rape and woman beaters so they shouldnt be able to vote or get a say in anything
yes, if they pass a psych exam proving they are mentally fit
Depends on the crime, I believe pedophiles, murderers, rapists, and people with genuine bad intentions shouldn't, but someone in for a petty charge should have the right.
I think it depends on what the crime is.
I think that it depends on what their crime is
I feel like it really only depends on the type of crime the felon commited and how severe it affected someone of something
Yes, before they are sent to prison and after they are released
This question should read: Should convicted criminals have the right to vote for unconvicted criminals?
Yes, unless they have committed a felony
Only if they committed misdemeanors, felons should not have the right to vote
Yes, unless they have committed felonies
Yes but there needs to be a universal system for the restoration of the right to vote and a civics test, and criteria for not restoring those rights.
Yes, but only after completing their sentences/reform and depending on the crime that they committed.
Yes, every adult deserves the right to vote
This one is tricky because yeah if you are a citizen of the U.S you should be able to vote but if you are just plain evil and done or do disgusting things we should highly consider if they should be able to or not we should leave it up to the people to decide.
Yes, if they are mentally alright and have taken an accurate psychological test that proves they understand what they are doing and how serious it is.
You gave up the right to vote when you got locked up. How much sense does it make when women had to wait til 1919 to be able to vote, but a criminal can vote? NO!
As long as the criminal as manners or responsibility to act normal as a citizen should. they should be mature to be able to do these things.
Yes, but only after completing their sentences and parole/probation but not for mentally ill
Yes except for the people who are crazy and have actually murdered people. Some people are falsely convicted.
Yes, only temporarily while their citizenship is barred after being convicted of "crimes involving moral turpitude"
Yes, including felons and cons as long as they have proved that they have changed
Yes, except for felons who are sentenced to life in prison without parole
Yes, every citizen deserves the right to vote, except for felons who are sentenced to life in prison without parole and have No regret for their Crime
Yes, every citizen deserves the right to vote, except for Felons who are serving Life in Prison with no chance of parole for convicting things like murder or any other violent crimes
No, criminals need to be punished for their crimes
If there is great evidence against a case of murder or violent crime that proves the arrested person did not do it but are still convicted, then they should be able to vote.
I believe this question needs more detail before I can answer this
It depends what crimes they commited.
Only if there republican
Yes, if you pay taxes you should be able to vote.
Yes, Only if they are in the correct mental state
Yes but only after completing sentences and parole/probation. For violent criminals, they have to do community service and therapy for the rest of their life. And having to do volunteer work for awareness and prevention of whatever type of crime they committed for the rest of their life.
No, but it depends on the crime the person committed.
Yes I believe they do as long as they are educated about both sides in prison because every vote counts and no matter who you are, in jail or not, if you are educated then let them vote, like I said every vote counts
Yes and they should have the right to own a gun again as well. If they can't be trusted with a gun, they should not be free.
Yes, but only after completing their sentences and parole/probation and passing a citizenship test
Yes, but only after completing their sentences and parole/probation and NOT if they were convicted of violent crimes or crimes Public Corruption (both domestic public office and foreign -- as defined by the FBI's Foreign Corrupt Practices Act).
Yes, and, depending on the crime, after the sentence/parole/probation is completed.
Yes, but not people convicted of voter disenfranchisement or tampering with machines and the voting process.
Yes, unless they have been convicted of voter fraud like crime. This is extremely rare.
I think they should have the right to vote if they decide to get a good job and doing things to turn their life around.
Yes, unless you committed a major crime like murder or rape
Yes, as long as they are mentally fit to vote.
Yes and no because most people that are convicted criminals are really not and just are put in jail because of there race.
No, unless they crime they are convicted for is de-criminalized or isn't considered a crime in another state.
yes, if they are no longer commiting crime and are no longer in prison.
Yes, except for felons convicted of manslaughter, murder or rape
Depends on the crime but sentences and probation MUST be completed
Only if the crime they did could have motives that would hurt the people.
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder, manslaughter or non-marital rape.
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder, manslaughter or non-marital rape
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder, non-marital rape or manslaughter
Yes , for the criminals who have been released they should be drug and mentally tested to see if they would be able to vote smartly and they should at least be able to vote.
Yes, but not if they have been convicted of a severe violence crime/sexual crimes. That and if they finish parole/probation
I think worse crimes should not have the right to vote.
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder, non-marital rape or terrorist activities.
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder or rape.
Yes, except for felons convicted of rape, manslaughter or murder
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder, rape, or terrorist activities
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder, rape or manslaughter
Yes, except for felons convicted of extremely violent crimes such as murder, manslaughter or non-marital rape
When a person is in prison s/he is under the direct control of the government. When s/he is not, s/he should be allowed to vote for or against that government.
Only if they are not convicted of murder or violent crimes or after completing their sentences and parole/probation
Yes, but only after completing their sentences and released from prison.
Yes, but only after completing their sentences and released from prison
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder, rape or terrorist activities
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder, rape, or terrorist activities.
Yes, except for felons convicted of murder, voluntary manslaughter, or non-marital rape
Yes, but only if they're not insane. They should take some sort of test or meet with a therapist.
Yes, except for only the most heinous monsters
Yes, except those who are serving time for voter fraud, but they should regain the ability to vote afterward.
it depends on the law they broke.
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