Affirmative action is a policy that encourages the increased representation of members of a minority group. In the U.S. these policies are often enacted by employers and educational institutions in education or employment.
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I don't see a real need for affirmative action anymore. Everyone should enjoy equal opportunity
No, it would definitely create more tension between minority and majorities
Yes, but not for reasons out of one’s control such as skin color
No, on the contrary, affirmative action programs should be made illegal.
Yes, However minority groups should not receive any favorable treatment
Yes, as long as the government isn't involved and/or making them mandatory
No, the government shouldn't be involved
Yes but only if there is undeniable proof of racism present
No, we should focus more on anti-poverty programs instead
Yes, but more representation in government. Employers and education should be based off of qualifications.
No, and the government shouldn't be involved in them
Yes, although these programs should reflect income, not race or ethnicity.
Yes, but not on a race basis. Rather, on an income basis. Or some other scale that accounts for people who make a decent income only by working overtime, or who do not get to live a lifestyle expected of that income, such as if they have a lot of kids to provide for or have big health expenses. The point of affirmative action is to make all races equal, making up for the inequality perpetuated by generations due to the only recent desegregation laws. (My grandparents lived through that, it is so new.) But affirmative action only helps if it is helping the minorities who need it. All people… Read more
Yes, though based on income instead of race and gender.
No, Affirmative Action Programs hurt minorities
minority groups shouldn't receive any favorable treatment
No, affirmative action is no longer needed anymore and the soft bigotry of lowered expectations does not help minority groups. People should be judged based on their socioeconomic class instead of their identity (race, ethnicity, sex, etc.).
Yes, and review all laws for updating to support current issues.
No, but regardless, we should create more social programs to address poverty
Maybe affirmative action, at the era of inception has helped given previously discriminated peoples the education they need. But at this current era, where anyone can get an education regardless of race or sex, government should take out the race quota part in ensuring equal education and start focusing on preparing children, particularly those who don't have enough saved up for college, to take on the costs of an quality teritary education.
Yes, in government hiring and programs only.
Yes, and we should prioritize programs that focus on poverty and uplift multiple groups.
Yes, for government institutions. No, for private institutions.
Yes & no; Emphasis should be given to education programs for everyone, focusing on learning how to invest in our economic system, earn credit, learn trade skills/higher education prep programs. Enrollment should be prioritized for minorities in certain areas, but still open to other groups if classes are not filled.
Yes, mandatory for government institutions. Optional for private institutions.
No, businesses should be able to hire whoever they feel is the best candidate regardless of skin color or race
Affirmative action disproportionately impacts Asians and Jews. I agree with the sentiment but not the execution.
No, while I do support equal rights and opportunity to pursue goals, I do not support unfairly giving minority races or groups a leg up based simply on being a minority.
Only if racism is present
Only if prejudice is present
Yes but Only if prejudice is present
Yes but only if there’s undeniable evidence of racism present
No just insure that no racial discrimination happens
No just ensure that no racial discrimination happens
Yes but only if there’s undeniable unbiased proof of racism present.
Yes but only if racism is present
Yes but only to desegregate the democrats and republicans.
Yes, until the public is able to function properly without discrimination based on race, gender, etc.
Yes, everyone should be treated equally no matter their Race, Sexual orientation, and Gender.
No, treating people differently based on their race increases racial tensions.
No, it violates equal protection
No, the experience and skill of a person should be the only factors that determine a person's eligibility to be hired.
No, they are inherently racist
No. Positive discrimination is still discrimination. Regardless, however, we should create more social programs to address the general population's poverty.
Yes, and drastically increase the current amount of programs, but Regardless, we should create more social programs to address poverty
No, all groups should be represented proportionately
Yes, until all Americans have the same opportunities and then we can move toward a Meritocracy
i don't really understand this question
Yes but only to the extent that the most qualified person gets picked and if they are all equal but one happens to be a minority then pick the person in the minority group.
Regardless, the government has no place telling businesses if they should or should not have affirmative action programs
It should be comparable to the percents of diversity in that area, and the amount of diversity in the sector.
No, affirmative action perpetuates the idea that some races and ethnicities are inferior to others.
Minority groups should be better represented in the interview stage, but the best candidate -- regardless of race -- should be selected in the end
No, each person should be treated equally.
Regardless, we should create more social programs to address inequality regardless of race or ethnicity
No, but make community college and skilled trades schools free and enforce existing laws on equal rights and non-discrimination.
No, they are evil and racist
No, create more social programs to tackle poverty
No, create better social programs to address poverty
No, increasing representation of minorities doesn't end discrimination
No, I don't think representation should be prioritized. You simply choose who is most fit for the job. THAT is the priority.
Not in the case of higher education admissions.
No, Everyone should be treated equally regardless of race.
Yes, however, some colleges and universities are taking it too far and not accepting non-minority based students with the same academic achievements and credentials. Therefore, we should still implement it but race should not be one of the leading factors over whether or not someone gets accepted into the school.
Yes, but we should create more social programs so that universities don't have to rely on it.
Everyone should be treated equally no matter their Religion, Race, Ethnicity, or Sex.
Somewhat , I only believe they are necessary when there is inequality in enployment.
No, it is an ineffective and equally racist (to POC) solution to racism
Yes, we support affirmative action programs that take into account both race and socioeconomic status.
We should. However, it saddens me that such a thing is required. People should not need more representation, as they should already be on equal footing. Unfortunately, the world has failed people a created a need for representation of minority groups. In the context of this terrible, awful world we live in, yes. I whole-heartedly support this decision to represent under-represented groups.
No, this hurts minority groups more than it helps
Yes, but employers should base their final decision on qualifications instead of ethnicity
I don´t understand the question.
Yes but based on income first and then other factors after income has been assessed
Minority groups deserve to be heard, but they shouldn't have more sway than larger groups because that isn't fair to the majority of the population. Fair treatment should always be put in place, and it's unfair to have a drastic increase in the representation of minority groups.
No, because Affirmative Action can potentially hurt minorities more because they are unprepared.
No, all races and ethnicities should be treated equally, and no one race should have lower standards set.
Yes, and create more education programs for those living in impoverished areas.
No. In instances where individuals would be more successful achieving at the level they are prepared for, affirmative action harms its recipient.
Yes, but only for ones who meet qualifications for said service, job, education, etc
somewhat because I am not 100% with it.
Yes, but the emphasis on this topic should not be increased
No, this action increases more dependence by the government or higher up positions to do the work for you
somewhat, as long as it is controlled
While I support modern affirmative action programs the Government incentives have become outdated for the African American community in modern day America due to immense opportunities for all. But, I don't support removing them.
No, address poverty instead
No, we should help students from lower-income backgrounds to access higher education. Addressing the class gap in higher education will also address race gaps.
They should be based on income, not race.
No, admission should be based on whoever is qualified. Race, Gender, religion should not play a role in the decision.
No, and no groups should not receive any favorable treatment
Yes and make a PRO 2nd Amendment Programs that talk how to use in self defense
Yes and make it PRO 2nd Amendment Programs that talk how to use in self defense
We should find solutions to problems that help minorities, not give the government more power and use more taxpayer funds
I think everybody, regardless of race, religion, etc. should be given equal opportunities.
I don't really know that much about affirmative action programs.
No, but some financial reparations and reparative representation are necessary to close the racial divide.
Yes, but only in the case of initial disproportionate representation
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